Related Arts » Career Explorations

Career Explorations



Career Exploration (6-8)


About the Course

Welcome to Career Exploration! The purpose of this course is to analyze the personal strengths and abilities of each individual student, explore possible career choices for students based on those strengths, and to create a tentative plan for the students’ future. This course is also designed to work cohesively with CTE courses at the high school level to create a smooth transition with regards to their coursework at DBHS.

Course Objectives

The Career Exploration course is separated into three distinct levels - one for each grade. They are listed below, along with the course overview, description and standards from the Tennessee Department of Education.


This class is a pass/fail class.  Students will be expected to complete all assignments and demonstrate mastery of the material to pass. Assignments will be graded on a four-point scale:

4 - Mastered 

3 - On Track

2 - Approaching 

1 - Basic

0 - Missing


Looking Ahead

As previously mentioned, one major focal point for this course is to facilitate an easy transition for students headed to Dobyns-Bennett High School. One way that we plan to do this is to focus specifically on the career clusters that are represented in their course catalog. While not all clusters may be covered in great detail, the primary objective is to at least introduce students to the basics of those career paths. Those clusters can be found here.


  • Major Clarity - the program that students will utilize on a regular (almost daily) basis for their individual career plans and personal goal-setting.
  • Canvas - where all necessary information for the course will be located (Announcements, Assignments, etc.)