Related Arts » STEM 1


STEM I  Course Syllabus

Instructor: Mrs.Annette R. True    M.Ed.

Sixth Grade Standards

Course Description:

Welcome to Science Technology Engineering and Math with Mrs. True. Today we have various technologies to help us find and utilize all kinds of information. However, our students need to move beyond simply being stores of knowledge and develop their critical thinking skills. Through hands-on, project-based learning & collaboration, our students will cultivate the confidence and skills needed to tackle realistic and challenging situations. Our curriculum is constantly changing because technologies are rapidly changing all around us.  Like our students, I like to learn and experiment with new things too. Best of all it has been my experience that our students have a lot of fun building and testing these projects along the way!

Course Units:

This school year, our students will study a number of concepts including project-based learning experiences, problem-solving and critical thinking activities, as well as computer-aided design. At the conclusion of each unit, a summative unit assessment is given. 


In STEM students will have the chance to participate in a lot of exciting endeavors.  These activities will be fun opportunities for them to demonstrate what they have learned. These activities include in-class assignments, projects, homework, quizzes, and tests.  


Learning technology and engineering skills are essential to students living in this modern information age. If they are struggling with the material they are encouraged to re-take or re-do an assignment.  The objective is for students to master the material.

Grading Requirements:

This class is a pass/fail class.  Students will be expected to complete all assignments, and demonstrate mastery of the material to pass. Assignments will be graded on a four-point scale:

4 - Mastered 

3 - On Track

2 - Approaching 

1 - Basic

0 - Missing


Students will work on their computers and may need to work on or complete assignments at home. All assignments will be listed in Canvas.  Student grades will include assignments, projects, assessments, how the student functions as part of a group, and the overall quality of their work. 


Digital Citizenship - Social Media Safety, Cyberbullying, Internet Safety, Defined Careers, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Designing and Building with Lego BricQ, Lego Spike, and Defined Learning PBL