Sevier Middle School: 2020-2021 TN Together Survey Parent/Guardian Communication

Dear Parents/Guardians of Sevier Middle School students,

In coordination with the Tennessee Department of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services (TDMHSAS), Sevier Middle School will be administering the 2020-21 TN Together Student Survey in the coming days.  This anonymous survey is administered every two years to students across Tennessee to support the development of a state comprehensive plan to combat opioid addiction and reduce overdose deaths in Tennessee.  The anonymous statewide survey measures patterns and prevalence of adolescent alcohol and other drug use and related risk and protective factors.  Information gathered will be utilized by the TDMHSAS to bolster state and local capacity to design prevention and intervention programs tailored to meet community needs and address local youth substance use issues.

The survey will be administered online at school and takes approximately 15 minutes.  It is administered anonymously, so that no information can be used to identify individual student responses.  The survey administration method was reviewed by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse and has received full IRB approval (IRB Study #2020.10.03).

Sevier Middle School is scheduled to administer the survey to students beginning the week of May 10, 2021.  Per KCS Board Policy 6.4001, parents/guardians may review this survey and may elect to opt their child out of participation.  Click here to view the survey.  If you wish to opt your child out of participation, click here.  The deadline to opt your child out of participation in the survey is Thursday, May 6, 2021 at 11:59 p.m..

Additional information may be found by clicking here to view a survey FAQ.

Survey Open Dates

Sevier:  Week of May 10

Opt-Out Process

Deadline for opt-out designation:.

  • Sevier:  Thursday, May 6, 11:59 p.m.


Copy of Survey (pdf):

Survey FAQ (pdf):

Opt-Out Form (SurveyMonkey):