
Title I 

John Sevier Middle School is a school wide Title I schoolTitle I, Part A (Title I) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended (ESEA) provides financial assistance to local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards.  For more information regarding Title 1, please contact Sevier Middle School Family Liaison & Title 1 School Coordinator, Robin Kerkhoff at (423) 378-2406 or rkerkhoff!k12k.com

For information regarding your child’s school state Report Card, please visit https://www.tn.gov/education/data/report-card.html.  If you have questions regarding this report, please contact Dr. Loudermilk at 423-378-2450. 


If you would like any of the following information translated to a language of your preference, please contact

Robin Kerkhoff at (423) 378-2406 or rkerkhoff!k12k.com



Escuela de Título I La Escuela

Primaria John Sevier Middle School es una escuela de Título I de toda la escuela. La escuela recibe fondos federales en función del número de estudiantes que califican para almuerzos reducidos y gratuitos. Los fondos se utilizan para mejorar el rendimiento académico. Para obtener más información sobre el Título 1, comuníquese con el Coordinador de la escuela de Sevier Middle School Family y con el Coordinador de la escuela Título 1, Debbie Moore al (423) 378-2406 o [email protected].

Creemos que Family Engagement es clave para el éxito y el éxito estudiantil. No se olvide de ver nuestro Calendario de eventos para las Oportunidades de participación familiar.
 Si desea traducir la siguiente información a un idioma de su preferencia, comuníquese con

Robin Kerkhoff at (423) 378-2406 or rkerkhoff!k12k.com

Title 1 Information/ Family Engagement Plan
Translations are available.  Las traducciones están disponibles.
Resources for Families
Insurance (non qualifying for TNCare)
CoverKids provides free, comprehensive health coverage for qualifying children 18 and younger. It covers preventive health services, doctors visits, hospital visits, vaccinations, well-child visits, developmental screenings and mental health. Children also get vision and dental care.
CoverKids has low co-pays for medical services. Well-child visits and immunizations are free.   


CoverKids has low co-pays for medical services. Well-child visits and immunizations are free.
CoverKids applicants applying for child (non-pregnant) coverage must apply online by visiting www.healthcare.gov or toll-free 1-800-318-2596.

CoverKids ofrece cobertura de salud gratuita e integral para niños de 18 años que reúnan los requisitos. Cubre los servicios de salud preventiva, las visitas al médico, las visitas al hospital, las vacunas, las visitas de rutina, las evaluaciones del desarrollo y la salud mental. Los niños también reciben atención dental y de la vista. CoverKids tiene bajos copagos por servicios médicos. Las visitas de bienestar y las inmunizaciones son gratuitas.
CoverKids tiene bajos copagos por servicios médicos. Las visitas de bienestar y las inmunizaciones son gratuitas. Los solicitantes de CoverKids que solicitan cobertura infantil (no embarazada) deben presentar una solicitud en línea visitando www.healthcare.gov o llamando sin cargo al 1-800-318-2596.
TennCare Transportation 800-775-8726
KAT 423-461-8233
Community Resources  
Right to Know
One hundred percent of our teachers and paraprofessionals meet state licensing criteria in the subjects and grades taught. No teachers are teaching on waivers or on a provisional status. One hundred percent of our teachers meet the highly qualified standards for the subject and grade level to which they are assigned.

ESSA Parents Right to Know

Dear Parents and Guardians:

 On December 10, 2015, President Barack Obama signed the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) into law as Public Law Number 114-95. ESSA reauthorizes the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 “to ensure that every child achieves.”(1) ESSA is the nation’s general education law and, as such, has been revised by Congress many times over the years. The last reauthorization took place in 2001 and was called the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). In accordance with the Every Student Succeeds Act/ PARENTS’ RIGHT-TO-KNOW, this is a notification from Kingsport City School  to every parent of a student in a Title I school that you have the right to request and receive in a timely manner: a) information regarding the professional qualifications of your student’s classroom teachers.

The information regarding the professional qualifications of your student’s classroom teachers shall include the following:

  1. If the teacher has met state qualification and licensing criteria for the grade level and subject areas taught; a. If the teacher is teaching under emergency or temporary status in which the state qualifications and licensing criteria are waived; b. The teachers baccalaureate degree major, graduate certification, and field of discipline; and c. Whether the student is provided services by paraprofessionals, and if so, their qualifications [ESSA 1112(e)(1)(A)(i)-(ii)]
  2. Information regarding any State or local educational agency policy regarding student participation in any assessments mandated by section 1111(b)(2) and by the State or local educational agency, which shall include a policy, procedure, or parental right to opt the child out of such assessment, where applicable. [ESSA 1112(e)(2)(A)] c) In addition to the above information you will be notified if your student has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who does not meet the applicable state certification for licensure requirements at the grade level and subject area in which the teacher has been assigned. [ESSA 1112(e)(1)(B)(ii)] If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the Federal Programs Director, Dr. Lamar Smith at 423-378-8598.
El cien por ciento de nuestros maestros y paraprofesionales cumplen con los criterios de licencia estatal en las materias y grados que se enseñan. Ningún docente está enseñando sobre renuncias o en un estado provisional. El cien por ciento de nuestros maestros cumplen con los estándares altamente calificados para la materia y el nivel de grado al que están asignados.
Resources for Additional Support
Information for children and adults with Attendtion Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Toll-free: (800) 233-4045 Website  www.chadd.org  
Information for children and adults with learning disablities
(412 341-1515 Website:  www.Idaamerica.org
National Alliance on Mental IIlness (NAMI)
Toll-free:800-950-Nami  Website:  www.nami.org
A Grandparents Group meets at 12:00pm on the first Monday of each month at Sevier Middle school.  All grandparents are invited to join this group.  
Tips for Middle School Parents
Parent participation in education is closely related to student achievement.  Both of you will be affected by this change to middle school.  The key during adolescence is to balance your support while promotinig responsiblity and independence in your child.
  • Become informed about your school by attending orientations, reading school compact and handbooks, visiting the school website regularly, emailing or corresponding with your child's teachers.
  • Become involved with your school Family Engagement Committee or PTA.  ATtend Sevier's Family University sessions and other school-wide events.  Ask for a parent teacher conference.
  • Students of all ages benefit when the family and school cooperate and have a positive relationship.  If you have questions or concerns don't hesitate to call or email the school staff.  
  • Enroll in Canvas and Power School Portal.  Check the school website for upcoming events.
  • Follow attendance guidelines.  KCS has a 3 excused parental note per semester policy.  Unless a medical note is sent to the office, all additional absences with be unexcused.
  • Be sure your school has your current contact information including email.  
  • Talk to your child about their school and peers.  Listen for comments that reflect what they are thinking and feeling.  Expect your child to make mistakes and have personal struggles.  Give them time to think and make decisions about how to handle their problems and deal with the consequences. 
We Love Our Volunteers
If you are interested in volunteering at Sevier Middle School, please contact your Family Liaison, Debbie Moore for information on how you can help!  
Volunteer Training
The following link is an introduction to volunteering at Sevier.  Please review this PowerPoint before volunteering. 

Free of Charge Student Breakfast/Lunch Program

Community ELIGIBILITY Provision program

Students enrolled in Title I Schools (Community Eligibility Provision  schools) will no longer be required to complete a free and reduced meal application.

Every enrolled student in a designated Title I school will be able to eat both breakfast and lunch free of charge without filling out any forms, regardless of income status

Click here for more information.

Programa de desayuno / almuerzo para estudiantes sin cargo

Los estudiantes matriculados en escuelas Título I (escuelas de provisión de elegibilidad comunitaria) ya no tendrán que completar una solicitud de comida gratis o reducida.

Cada estudiante inscrito en una escuela designada de Título I podrá comer tanto el desayuno como el almuerzo sin tener que llenar ningún formulario, independientemente del estado de sus ingresos



Sevier Middle
Mrs. Robin Kerkhoff
(423) 378.2450
TÍTULO I CONTACTO DE ENLACE FAMILIAR Sevier Middle Sra. Robin Kerkhoff (423) 378.2450 [email protected]
Contact Us!
Kingsport City Schools Federal Programs Office
400 Clinchfield Street,     Ste. 200
Kingsport, TN 37660
Ph: (423) 378.8598
Fax: (423) 378.2120